The Art of Brni Lavrisha


This exhibit premiered on Thursday, November 7, 2019.


Since 1977 Brni Lavrisha has shown his work more than fifty times in venues ranging from small galleries to the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Artist Statement
I have found it to be easier for me to paint or assemble a construct than to write about it."

I am fortunate enough to live near woods with a creek that supplies me with both found objects and inspiration for my work. A found object, when resurrected, is given another chance to be useful and meaningful rather than becoming waste or polluting the water. Throughout this process, I find that I am most content when I am creating something and giving it a new voice.

As I transform various found objects, usually recovered from Euclid Creek, I try to develop a new meaning. The objects are stones, fossils, industrial steel parts, driftwood, and automotive industrial plastics. Every piece has a historical reference, and through my new juxtaposition, a new history. Each title provides a clue to what I see as a meaning of the piece, either directly or circuitously.

My two-dimensional work is also a combination of forms and outlines in acrylic paint, with oil pastel, pencil, and India ink. We are bombarded with visual images and only retain fragments of the mass. I create spiritual and visceral combinations, sometimes using a circle and the outer periphery or forms bisected by bands of color like a fragment of a rainbow. These shapes, colors, and lines reveal themselves in the making to impart a message, just as the found objects from the creek reveal their renewed significance.


Artist Brni Lavrisha hangs a row of his multicolored paintings at the Slovenian Museum and Archives.

Artist Brni Lavrisha hangs a row of his multicolored paintings at the Slovenian Museum and Archives.


2019: "Prešeren: Slovenia's Greatest Poet"


2018: World Festival of Ivan Cankar