“Cockta: Slovenian Pop Drink for All Ages”


This exhibit premiered on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.


This exhibit, organized by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, took viewers on a walk through the history of Cockta, the well-known soft drink that was invented as a Slovenian counterpart to Coca-Cola.

The story of Cockta began in 1952–53, when the company Slovenija vino created a recipe for the carbonated soft drink and arranged its initial promotion at a ski-jumping competition, thus forging a connection between Cockta and sport that has endured to this day. The overall image, market position, slogans, target consumers, and television and radio advertisements connected with the drink—which conquered the whole of Yugoslavia—continued to change. But in spite of these rises and falls, Cockta has managed to anchor itself in the lives of different generations. Everyone remembers it for its characteristic forms, flavor, slogans, and the period in their life when they drank it. Indeed, “the drink of our younger days” was the slogan used in connection with Cockta in the mid-1970s.


2017: Idria Lace


2016: "Slovenia Through Time"