“Historical Masks of Slovenian Mardi Gras”


This exhibit premiered on Tuesday, February 21, 2017.


For centuries, masks have been used throughout Slovenia in the celebration of Mardi Gras. Thanks to Cleveland’s annual Kurentovanje festival, the Kurent is the most well known of these locally, but there are in fact many, each of them unique and intriguing. Staged during Cleveland Kurentovanje 2017, this exhibition explored the wide variety of traditional masks, as well as their origins and meanings. This show was organized by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The opening program included a presentation by Adela Pukl, a curator at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, where she is responsible for the collections of the Department of Spiritual Culture.


2018: "To the Promised Land: Slovenian Women in America"


2017: Idria Lace